With more and more devices shipping with built-in internet capabilities, home networks are no longer a luxury, they are a necessity.  Unfortunately, maintaining the network you have may be proving to be more than you had originally signed up for.  Not to worry.  The home networking specialists at Argus Technologies, Inc. can help install, repair, or expand your home’s wired or wireless network in no time flat.


Need to get your new laptop securely connected to your wireless router?  Or, maybe it’s time to take your gaming online.  Argus Technologies, Inc. can quickly and securely connect all your Wi-Fi enabled devices including Laptops, Desktops, Xbox 360, PS3, Pocket PC, and even your iPhone.


Our flat-rate pricing structure takes the worry out of IT consulting for your home or home office, so give us a call and let’s get your home network working the way you always wanted it to.  Also, check out our home networking trouble shooting guide which provides some do-it-yourself answers for common problems.